Free Tools For Conscious Product Managers
Simple methods that I’ve developed for myself & used with my clients to connect the WHY + WHAT to the HOW of building products and our careers more consciously
Define Your North Star Worksheet
Build the right foundation to design your product career based on YOUR unique values, skills, interests, context, and life constraints.
Ideal PM Role Research Template
Define the specific criteria you’re looking for in your next role and create a laser focused job search strategy.
Product Manager Portfolio Template
A template to help you SHOW vs. TELL when applying for a new product management role.
Conscious Product Toolkit
I've seen a gap in people wanting to make more conscious decisions around the products we build & knowing HOW to do that. So, over the past few months I've been compiling a list of tools to form a "Conscious Product Toolkit" that you can use & add to.
Finding Meaningful Problems to Solve Guide
A 7-page guide for any individual or team that wants to develop a new product that will provide you with clarity and save you hundreds of hours of meetings, discussions, and potentially dollars lost.
Product Manager Resources: The Best Place to Start
A comprehensive, curated list of resources for Product Managers.